CytoTrap – adaptor for cytocentrifugation (under development, functional samples available)
- an adaptor for cytocentrifugation in conventional centrifuges with the swinging rotor
- developed to match to common 50 ml centrifugation tubes
- developed for use with coverslips with diameter up to 15 mm
- optimized for coverslips with diameter 12 mm
- possibility to perform whole steps of the protocol in the same adaptor: from (cyto)centrifugation and washing to staining
- the low consumption of the used solutions
- the spotting area diameter up to 10 mm
- autoclavable
- high temperature and chemical resistance
- made from PTFE (Teflon)
- fully compatible with the different fixation/permeabilisation protocols including formaldehyde fixation and Triton X-100 permeabilisation
- if necessary, sample can stay in solution during the whole procedure
Examples of applications:
- Giemsa-Romanowski staining
- Detection of DNA replication labelled with 10 μM EdU (DNA is stained with DAPI)
- DNA halo
Read more about CytoTrap here